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Call, text or email to book a fishing charter or scallop charter today! We cant wait to show you and your crew a great time!
All Gear Included! Boat and Gear Sanitized Daily! All Ages and Skill Levels Welcome! Scallops, Snook, Redfish, Trout, Cobia, Grouper, Tripletail, Snapper, Sheepshead , Largemouth Bass and More! Private Boat! Comfortable and Safe. Call Today! Guaranteed Fun Fishing Charters!

Grouper and trout for dinner!

Bucket mouth SNOOK

Family Memories!!
Inshore grouper and a pile of sea trout got to meet the cleaning table! Crystal River is Loaded with delicious species.
One of Captain Dallas's favorite, SNOOK! Intelligent fish and hard fighting, come prepared to hunt these bad boys down!
Smiling kids create life long family memories! Nothing makes us smile more at Pirate Flag than youngin's having fun fishing!

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